Join this all day LVAS Field Trip to Sandy Hook – Gateway National Recreation Area, NJ
MEET AT 7:45 AM at the Park-n-Ride, RT. 33 and William Penn Highway.
Join this all day Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Field Trip to Sandy Hook – Gateway National Recreation Area, NJ.
Dress warm, bring drink, snacks, and lunch. We will stop at a Wawa before entering the park, if you would rather purchase drink and food there.
Possible sightings include cool birds, and harbor seals.
Contact trip leader Mark Boyd with questions 610-657-9401 or use our Meetup or Mobilize to let us know you plan to attend.
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Become a member of Lehigh Valley Audubon Society to be notified of future guided walks, educational programs, volunteer opportunities, and all of our latest activities.
Photo of Semipalmated Plover - Sandy Hook NRA - Summer 2014 by Scott Burnet
COSTA RICA FROM SEA TO SUMMIT Presented by Dr. Terry Master
Learn with Lehigh Valley Audubon Society when we host an
online presentation by Dr. Terry Master:
Friday, February 21, 2025 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
"Costa Rica has over 900 species of birds in an area the size of West Virginia, almost the same total as the U.S. and Canada combined!
Such high diversity is largely the result of an extremely varied topography resulting in Costa Rica having 12 of 36 major biomes found throughout the world. It is possible to go from sea level to over 12,000 ft. in a distance of only 30 miles.
This program highlights bird species, including their ecology and behavior, characteristic of different elevations throughout this amazingly diverse country."
Please register for a fascinating evening, by clicking the link below. Note: You may register at any time up to the start of the meeting.
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Interested in learning more about birds and supporting future programs with Lehigh Valley Audubon Society?
Learn with LVAS at the Great Backyard Bird Count on Saturday, February 15th!
Join Lehigh Valley Audubon Society for the Great Backyard Bird Count Party at Wildlands Conservancy in Emmaus
February 15th, 10 am - 2 pm
Stay as little or as long as you like!
We’ll be counting birds from 10 - 2 in heated comfort in the Trexler Education Building. Outdoor walks at 10:30 and 12:30. Live education birds up close and personal at 11:30 and 1:30!
Never miss an event, volunteer opportunity or the latest news, become an LVAS member &/or volunteer!
2025 Great Backyard Bird Count Event Flyer
Learn the Who, How and Why of Winter Birds with LVAS VP, Barbara Malt
Join us on Zoom on Friday, Jan 31, 2025 at 7:00 pm Eastern Time (US and Canada) as LVAS Vice President Barbara Malt introduces the birds that winter with us here in eastern Pennsylvania.
We'll consider which birds migrate and which stay to brave the elements, and we'll discuss the adaptations that allow our wintering birds to get through the cold months. We'll also get to know some wintering species in your backyard and farther afield and how to identify them.
We hope you can join us.
You may register at any time up to the start of the meeting by clicking on the link below.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
10th Annual CBC4Kids Registration Open Now
Save the date – January 11, 2025! Lehigh Valley Audubon Society’s tenth annual Christmas Bird Count for Kids (CBC4Kids) is coming up! A great antidote to the post-holiday letdown for kids.
Space is limited, so register early!