We're excited to announce that Lehigh Valley Audubon Society is now on Instagram!
This new platform will help us connect with more individuals who share our passion for bird conservation, community engagement, and exploring the wonders of nature.
Follow us for announcements about upcoming events, as well as fun, informative, and engaging content about birds and nature! Plus, check out our Stories, where we'll highlight posts from fellow Audubon societies and organizations working in avian science.
Join us in making a difference — one post, one bird, and one conservation effort at a time!
Celebrating World Wildlife Day with a special shoutout to our feathered friends 🦜✨ Let’s protect and preserve the beautiful birds that grace our skies. Thanks to organizations like the Audubon Society, we’re working together to ensure a future where birds thrive. 🌍💚 #worldwildlifeday #birdsoftheworld #audubonsociety #conservationinaction #lehighvalleypa #allentownpa #pennsylvania #lvas #lehighvalleyaudubonsociety
Enjoy an early spring bird walk at the beautiful Leaser Lake for a variety of waterfowl and passerines. Meet at the parking lot for the north boat launch. We look forward to seeing you there!
Leader: Frank Dickman (484-695-3887)
- #lehighvalleypa #allentownpennsylvania #lvas #lehighvalleyaudubonsociety #audubonsociety #leaserlake #birds #birdwatching
Now is a great opportunity to finish up some winter projects and get ready for nicer weather and some great birding.
If you are thinking about adding a bluebird box to your property, now is a great time to get it installed. Birds are slowly moving around and starting to inspect locations for nests this season.
If you have nest boxes up already, now is the time to get them cleaned out and ready for the next generation of bluebirds! No need to add material, simply remove any old nesting material or caches that rodents may have left for winter.
- #lehighvalleypa #lehighvalley #pa #pennsylvania #allentownpa #lvas #lehighvalleyaudubonsociety #birds #easternbluebirds #spring
Meet at the Park-n-Ride, RT. 33 and William Penn Highway, at 7:45 AM.
This is an all day event! Dress warm, bring drink, snacks, and lunch. We will stop at a Wawa before entering the park, if you would rather purchase drink and food there.
Possible sightings include cool birds, and harbor seals.
Carpooling is required. If you are able and willing to drive please have a tank full of gas. If you would rather ride, then be prepared to chip in for gas and tolls.
Contact trip leader Mark Boyd with questions 610-657-9401.
- #lehighvalleypa #lehighvalleyaudubon #birds #newjersey #audubonsociety #lvas #pennsylvania
(Second post) What a successful Great Backyard Bird Count! It was a pleasure to have folks join us and count out local birds, whether on a guided walk or from the window feeders. If you weren’t able to join us this time, please consider joining us next year! Keep an eye out for future events!
Shout out to Brandon for bringing the red tail hawk out to say hi!
- #birds #lehighvalley #lvas #lehighvalleyaudubonsociety #audubonsociety #allentownpa #pennsylvania #wildlandsconservancy
What a successful Great Backyard Bird Count! It was a pleasure to have folks join us and count out local birds, whether on a guided walk or from the window feeders. If you weren’t able to join us this time, please consider joining us next year! Keep an eye out for future events!
- #birds #lehighvalley #lvas #lehighvalleyaudubonsociety #audubonsociety #allentownpa #pennsylvania #wildlandsconservancy
Please join Lehigh Valley Audubon Society for the Great Backyard Bird Count! We’ll be counting birds at the Pool Wildlife Sanctuary from 10 to 2 on Feb. 15. Stay as little or as long as you like!
We’ll be counting in heated comfort in the Trexler Education Building. Outdoor walks at 10:30 and 12:30. Live education birds up close and personal at 11:30 and 1:30!
- #lehighvalley #lehighvalleypa #audubon #audubonsociety #allentown #allentownpa #birds #greatbackyardbirdcount #gybc #pennsylvania
Please join us on Zoom as LVAS Vice President Barbara Malt introduces the birds that winter with us here in eastern Pennsylvania. We’ll consider which birds migrate and which stay to brave the elements, and we’ll discuss the adaptations that allow our wintering birds to get through the cold months. We’ll also get to know some wintering species in your backyard and farther afield and how to identify them. To sign up, please use the link in our bio to register through Meetup!
- #birds #audubonsociety #lehighvalleypa #lehighvalley #allentownpa #pennsylvania #winterbirds #lehighvalleyaudubonsociety bonsociety
Make sure to check the highlight in our profile to learn more in depth about the virus. Stay safe!
- #birdflu #audubonsociety #lehighvalley #pennsylvania #allentownpa #birds #diseaseprevention #lehighvalleyaudubonsociety
Another awesome set of pictures from our Christmas Bird Count for Kids! For this event, we encourage the children to lead. Not only were they totally engaged, they were practically steamrolling ahead! Great job kids!
- #audubon #aubudonsociety #allentownpa #muhlenberg #birds #christmasbirdcount #pennsylvaniabirds #conservation #lehighvalleypa