Elaine and Don Mease
Originally Published in January - March 2024 Quarterly Newsletter of The Lehigh Valley Audubon Society
Thank you for participating in our 65th Bird Count for the Bethlehem-Easton-Hellertown Area and Audubon’s 124th Year!!
A total of 86 species were recorded.
The Western Kingbird was a new species for us. It was seen at the Archibald Johnson Preserve by many observers before and after, as well as by our team on count day.
Numbers for Geese or Vultures reported by the feeder counters were included in the field count.
The Snow Geese were mostly at the Nazareth Quarry, however there were MANY flocks over the entire circle that day. The ones seen at the southern edge were probably from Merrill Creek. We tried to account for that.
The Chickadee count will be listed as Chickadee Species for Audubon. The Black-capped and Carolina Chickadee are appearing in our area recently and are known to hybridize as well. ID can be difficult.
Thanks to Grant Stevenson and Kaitlyn Sommer for taking on the task of counting the crows at a roost in the western edge of the circle.
We have a cumulative list for all the past years, if anyone is interested. We don’t list past years because of so many variables in weather and effort, but it can be sent out, if requested.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call or email us. Next year’s count will be December 28, 2024.
Count Area: A circle 15 miles in diameter with its center on Applebutter Rd ., 0 .3 mile east of the Bethlehem City line
Weather: A .M . overcast; P .M . overcast; Low - 30; High - 44; still water, rivers and streams open; ground muddy
Observers: 53; 14 at feeders with 65 hours; 39 in the field in 18 parties totaling 116 hours and 399 miles, plus 2 hours and 4 miles owling
Field counters: Jane Barker-Hunt, Virginia Derbyshire, Dave DeReamus, Linda Freedman, Anne Frye, Marilyn Hessinger, Jason Horn, Tim and Stephanie Kita, Arlene Koch, Pete Kwiatek, Gerald, Jonathon and Robert Lahr, John Landis, Barbara Malt, Mike and Penny Maurer, Elaine and Don Mease, Carole Mebus, John Mularczyk, Brad Orey, Dan Pokras, Jason, Michelle and Aidan Porter, Chuck Pyro, Sharon Roehrig, Kyle Rogers, Barbara Ryan, Pam Schmaldinst, Ed Sinkler, Mike Skinner, Kaitlyn Sommer Family, Grant Stevenson, Jennifer Tucci, Emma Walters, Joseph Yuhas, Joe Zajacek, Dan Zmoda Feeder counters: Tom Ahern, Glenn Breidenbach, Leslie and Thaddeus Encelewski, Julie and Gary Hofbauer, Margaret Hood, Pete Jarrett, Barbara Johnson, Vivian Noblett, Barbara Ryan, Ruth Smith, Maryann Snyder, Sherry Strock
Bethlehem-Easton-Hellertown Christmas Bird Count Results 2023