The 115th Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is rapidly approaching. Please read the National Audubon article below, giving some background on the Christmas Bird Count and, if you’re not already a regular participant, consider joining this important activity.
Important: A CBC Dinner will be held following the Allentown Bird Count on Dec. 20.
Following are the dates and contacts for the various area counts in the Lehigh Valley. If you are interested in participating, please contact your group leader from last year or the contacts listed below.
Saturday, 12/20 - Allentown CBC, compiler: Stephen Kloiber 610-863-3889
Sunday, 12/21 – Wild Creek/Little Gap CBC, compiler: Josh Nemeth 610-573-8577 or email at
Saturday, 12/27 – Bethlehem/Easton/Hellertown CBC: compilers: Don and Elaine Mease 610-346-7754
Christmas Bird Count – From National Audubon Society From December 14 through January 5 tens of thousands of volunteers throughout the Americas take part in an adventure that has become a family tradition among generations. Families and students, birders and scientists, armed with binoculars, bird guides and checklists go out on an annual mission - often before dawn. For over one hundred years, the desire to both make a difference and to experience the beauty of nature has driven dedicated people to leave the comfort of a warm house during the Holiday season. Each of the citizen scientists who annually braves snow, wind, or rain, to take part in the Christmas Bird Count makes an enormous contribution to conservation. Audubon and other organizations use data collected in this longest-running wildlife census to assess the health of bird populations - and to help guide conservation action. From feeder-watchers and field observers to count compilers and regional editors, everyone who takes part in the Christmas Bird Count does it for love of birds and the excitement of friendly competition -- and with the knowledge that their efforts are making a difference for science and bird conservation.
Eastern PA Birdline: 12/12/2014
- Pennsylvania
- Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
- December 12, 2014
Birds mentioned
- Transcript
Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: December 12th at 4:00 AM To Report by E-Mail: Send to with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.
You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at .
You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at .
The Allentown Christmas Bird Count will be held on December 20th. If interested, call Stephen Kloiber at (610) 863-3889.
The Wild Creek / Little Gap Christmas Bird Count will be held on December 21st. If interested, call Josh Nemeth at (610) 573-8577.
The Bethlehem–Easton–Hellertown Christmas Bird Count will be held on December 27th. If interested, call Don & Elaine Mease at (610) 346-7754.
Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: .
Sightings from WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: HARRIS’S SPARROW – 1 to at least 12/10 (first-winter bird).
Sightings from the BRODHEADSVILLE area, Monroe County: At Weir Lake: BARNACLE GEESE – 2 on 12/11.
Sightings from BELTZVILLE STATE PARK, Carbon County: RED-NECKED GREBE – 1 on 12/10.
Sightings from LAKE MUHLENBERG, Lehigh County: Tundra Swan – 1 from 11/22 to at least 12/11.
Sightings from the CENTER VALLEY area, Lehigh County: Red-tailed Hawk – 1 on 12/7 (partial-albinistic bird).
Sightings from LAKE NOCKAMIXON, Bucks County: RED-NECKED GREBE – 1 from 12/4 to at least 12/8.
Sightings from PEACE VALLEY PARK, Bucks County: LONG-TAILED DUCKS – 2 on 12/4 RED-NECKED GREBE – 1 from 12/3 to at least 12/6.
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Eastern PA Birdline: 12/5/2014
- Pennsylvania
- Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
- December 5, 2014
Birds mentioned
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Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: December 5th at 5:00 AM To Report by E-Mail: Send to with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.
You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at .
You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at .
There will be a full-day field trip to the Conowingo Dam on December 6th. Meet at the Tilghman Square parking lot, near the Red Robin restaurant, just west of Route 309 at 9:00 AM. Trip leader will be Jon Levin.
The Allentown Christmas Bird Count will be held on December 20th. If interested, call Stephen Kloiber at (610) 863-3889.
The Wild Creek / Little Gap Christmas Bird Count will be held on December 21st. If interested, call Josh Nemeth at (610) 573-8577.
The Bethlehem–Easton–Hellertown Christmas Bird Count will be held on December 27th. If interested, call Don & Elaine Mease at (610) 346-7754.
Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: .
Sightings from the MARTINS CREEK PPL POWER PLANT area, Northampton County: Northern Harrier – 1 on 11/30.
Sightings from PALMER TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: LAPLAND LONGSPURS – 3 on 11/30 (at Main Street and Van Buren Road).
Sightings from WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: HARRIS’S SPARROW – 1 to at least 12/4 (first-winter bird). “Gambel’s” White-crowned Sparrow – 1 on 12/2.
Sightings from the SEEMSVILLE area, Northampton County: Red-breasted Nuthatch.
Sightings from EAST ALLEN TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: Along Arrowhead Road: SNOW BUNTINGS – 25 on 11/28; 28 on 11/29. Also American Pipit.
Sightings from ALLEN TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: Along Spring Hill Road: ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK – 1 on 11/30 SNOW BUNTINGS – 19 on 11/30.
Sightings from GRAVER’S HILL, Northampton County: SNOW BUNTING – 1 on 11/27 Bald Eagles – 4 on 11/27. Also Savannah Sparrow.
Sightings from BELTZVILLE STATE PARK, Carbon County: WHITE-WINGED SCOTER – 1 on 12/3 RED-THROATED LOON – 1 on 12/3.
Sightings from the ALLENTOWN area, Lehigh County: Peregrine Falcon – 1 on 12/1 (at the PPL Building).
Sightings from GREEN LANE RESERVOIR, Montgomery County: At the Walt Road area: Red-breasted Mergansers – 1 female on 11/29 and 12/2; 1 male on 12/1. Also Wood Duck. At the Knight Lake area: Gadwall – 109 on 11/30 (high count).
Sightings from the UNAMI CREEK VALLEY, Montgomery County: Chipping Sparrow – 1 on 11/30.
Sightings from LAKE NOCKAMIXON, Bucks County: Peregrine Falcon – 1 on 11/28.
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Eastern PA Birdline: 11/28/2014
- Pennsylvania
- Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
- November 28, 2014
Birds mentioned
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Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: November 28th at 4:00 AM To Report by E-Mail: Send to with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.
You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at .
You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at .
There will be a full-day field trip to the Conowingo Dam on December 6th. Meet at the Tilghman Square parking lot, near the Red Robin restaurant, just west of Route 309 at 9:00 AM. Trip leader will be Jon Levin.
The Allentown Christmas Bird Count will be held on December 20th. If interested, call Stephen Kloiber at (610) 863-3889.
The Wild Creek / Little Gap Christmas Bird Count will be held on December 21st. If interested, call Josh Nemeth at (610) 573-8577.
The Bethlehem–Easton–Hellertown Christmas Bird Count will be held on December 27th. If interested, call Don & Elaine Mease at (610) 346-7754.
Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: .
Sightings from the MARTINS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVE (Tekening) area, Northampton County: Bonaparte’s Gulls – 2 on 11/23.
Sightings from the NAZARETH QUARRY, Northampton County: GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE – 1 on 11/20.
Sightings from WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: HARRIS’S SPARROW – 1 from 11/17 to at least 11/27 (first-winter bird). “Gambel’s” White-crowned Sparrow – 1 on 11/22.
Sightings from the BETHLEHEM area, Northampton County: Peregrine Falcons – 2 on 11/22.
Sightings from BELTZVILLE STATE PARK, Carbon County: FORSTER’S TERN – 1 on 11/23 (late date).
Sightings from BAKE OVEN KNOB, Lehigh County: Bald Eagles – 5 on 11/21 and 11/27; 6 on 11/24 Northern Goshawks – 2 on 11/21 Golden Eagles – 9 on 11/21. Also PINE SISKIN ‘fly-by’s.
Sightings from GREEN LANE RESERVOIR, Montgomery County: At the Church Road area: GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE – 1 on 11/25 CACKLING GOOSE – 1 on 11/25 Northern Shovelers – 55 on 11/25.
Sightings from LAKE NOCKAMIXON, Bucks County: TRUMPETER SWAN – 1 on 11/21 (at the marina).
Sightings from PEACE VALLEY PARK, Bucks County: REDHEADS – 2 on 11/20 and 11/21 GREATER SCAUP – 3 on 11/22. Also Double-crested Cormorant and Bald Eagle.
Sightings from MERRILL CREEK RESERVOIR in nearby New Jersey: At the Scotts Mountain Hawkwatch: Bald Eagles – 5 on 11/21 Northern Goshawk – 1 on 11/24 Golden Eagle – 1 on 11/24.
Common Raven is increasingly being reported from many sites.
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Eastern PA Birdline: 11/21/2014
- Pennsylvania
- Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
- November 21, 2014
Birds mentioned
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Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: November 21st at 2:00 PM To Report by E-Mail: Send to with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.
You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at .
You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at .
Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: .
Sightings from WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: HARRIS’S SPARROW – 1 from 11/17 to at least 11/21 (first-winter bird).
Sightings from the BETHLEHEM area, Northampton County: Peregrine Falcon – 1 on 11/18 and 11/20.
Sightings from BAKE OVEN KNOB, Lehigh County: Bald Eagles – 8 on 11/14 Golden Eagles – 8 on 11/14. Also PINE SISKIN ‘fly-by’s.
Sightings from BELTZVILLE STATE PARK, Carbon County: BRANT – 1 to at least 11/14 WHITE-WINGED SCOTER – 1 on 11/14.
Sightings from SMITH LANE, near Alburtis, Lehigh County: LAPLAND LONGSPUR – 1 to at least 11/14.
Sightings from GREEN LANE RESERVOIR, Montgomery County: Bonaparte’s Gulls – 5 on 11/16. Also Osprey.
At the Church Road area: Rusty Blackbird – 1 on 11/16.
Sightings from LAKE TOWHEE, Bucks County: TRUMPETER SWAN – 1 to at least 11/16.
Sightings from PEACE VALLEY PARK, Bucks County: Osprey, Red-shouldered Hawk, Merlin, and Gray Catbird.
Sightings from MERRILL CREEK RESERVOIR in nearby New Jersey: At the Scotts Mountain Hawkwatch: Bald Eagles – 11 on 11/18 Northern Goshawk – 1 on 11/20.
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Eastern PA Birdline: 11/14/2014
- Pennsylvania
- Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
- November 14, 2014
Birds mentioned
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Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: November 14th at 1:00 AM To Report by E-Mail: Send to with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.
You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at .
You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at .
The next Audubon program will be held on November 14th at 7:00 PM at the Wildlands Conservancy in Emmaus. Dr. Howard Whidden will do a program on “Recent Changes in the Bat Population of the Delaware Water Gap Recreation Area.”
Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: .
Sightings from WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: Palm Warbler – 1 on 11/12 (late date) PINE SISKINS – small flock on 11/12.
Sightings from BELTZVILLE STATE PARK, Carbon County: BRANT – 1 to at least 11/12 SNOW BUNTINGS – 37 on 11/6.
Sightings from BAKE OVEN KNOB, Lehigh County: Bald Eagles – 6 on 11/7 Northern Goshawk – 1 on 11/7 Golden Eagles – 20 on 11/7.
Sightings from the FOGELSVILLE QUARRY, Lehigh County: Cackling Geese – 2 on 11/7.
Sightings from GREEN LANE RESERVOIR, Montgomery County: At the Church Road area: Rusty Blackbird – 1 on 11/10.
Sightings from the UNAMI CREEK VALLEY, Montgomery County: Blue-headed Vireo – 1 on 11/11 (late date).
Sightings from PEACE VALLEY PARK, Bucks County: BRANT – 1 on 11/7 Cackling Goose – 1 on 11/7 Bonaparte’s Gulls – 2 on 11/6 and 11/7.
Sightings from LAKE TOWHEE, Bucks County: TRUMPETER SWAN – 1 to at least 11/13.
Sightings from MERRILL CREEK RESERVOIR in nearby New Jersey: At the Scotts Mountain Hawkwatch: Bald Eagles – 8 on 11/7 and 11/9 Northern Goshawk – 1 on 11/11 Peregrine Falcon – 1 on 11/7.
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